Dale Carnegie’s seminal book How to Win Friends and Influence People provides readers with tips and techniques on how to handle people, make them like you, win them over to your way of thinking, and lead them. On the surface, it might sound like a devious tool used to manipulate people, but the common thread through all of Carnegie’s advice is this: be genuine.

Recruiters get a bad rap — they’re often portrayed by non-recruiters as the door-to-door salespeople of the human capital market.
Now there are certain professions that are notoriously disingenuous. Recruiters get a bad rap — they’re often portrayed by non-recruiters as the door-to-door salespeople of the human capital market. Recruiting can, at its worst, be a contrived effort to sell as many people as you can on a job regardless of whether it’s in their best interest to take it. But if you take Dale Carnegie’s advice and add a touch of sincerity to your recruiting work, you’ll find that it’s much easier to win friends and recruit people.